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How It Works

It's easy to hop on a Bublr Bike!  Here's what to do:


Not sure how to check out or return Bublr Bikes?
Marcus Doucette of 88Nine Radio Milwaukee is here to show you the right way to use Bublr.

It’s easy — we promise. Your next Bublr ride will be a snap!

Checking Out a Bike

Using a Bike


Bike Safety

If you’re still a bit rusty or this is your first time riding and need more tips on safe cycling check out Wisconsin Bike Fed's Bicycle Safey Tips, or sign up for the next Bublr Bikes' Savvy Cycling Class

Inspect your Bike.

Always make sure your Bublr Bike is safe to ride before you ride. Make sure to check the tires for air, brakes, and front/rear lights before riding. If you have any issues simply re-dock your Bublr and give us a call at 414-931-1121.

Use Hand Signals.

Familiarize yourself with basic hand signals.
Left Turns: stick your left arm straight out.
Right Turns:
extend your right arm straight out, or raise your left arm and bend it upward at the elbow.
To Stop:
Hold your left hand by your side pointing toward the ground.

Wear a Helmet.

While it is not the law to wear a helmet, it could prevent a serious brain injury.

Ride in the Road.

Sidewalk riding is OK if there are designated signs that indicate that the walkway is also a bike way. Otherwise, it is illegal to ride a bicycle on the sidewalk in Milwaukee. Riding on the sidewalk creates confusion and chaos for both pedestrians and drivers.

We have a Street Car! Learn how to ride safely over street car rails here.

Be Predictable & Visible.

Bicycles are considered legal vehicles of the road in Wisconsin and Milwaukee. Therefore, you must observe local traffic laws at all times.

Wear Bright Clothing.

You have a better chance staying safe if you are seen. You want to make your presence known.

Plan a Route.

Do you know where you’re headed? By locating streets with bike lanes and or trails you can have a safer commute. You can download the BCycle app for the most up to date live station map, and suggested routes.

Be Aware.

Be aware of what is going on around you. Watch the road for hazards (broken glass, potholes, railroad tracks). Watch side streets, driveways, alleys and parked cars for traffic that may enter the street in front of you or turn across your path.